第27屆聯合國氣候變化大會 (COP27) 11月6日在埃及召開。聯合國環境署前執行主任、挪威前環境和國際發展部長埃里克·索爾海姆 (Erik Solheim) 日前作客中國日報社推出的訪談節目《連線·全球政要看十年》。他表示,當前全球地緣政治局勢復雜,影響了國際氣候合作。在氣候變化、新冠疫情、經濟危機等全球性問題面前,各國應切實行動起來,放下政治分歧,加強團結,共同化解危機。
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?氣候行動要落到實處
There will be no breakthroughs and major agreements in Sharm el-Sheikh. We should focus on the political economy, decisions made by the top leaders of the world in politics and business. That was changing the world.
As an example, last year, when President Xi decided that China will stop all overseas coal investments, that was much, much more important for the global climate struggle than any decision from the climate talks which was in Glasgow last year. That's much more important than any diplomatic deal, because that's changing the realities on the ground, and is turning around business.
And business all over the world has turned out to be ahead of politics rather than behind politics. I looked the then President Trump in the United States didn't want to do anything on climate, but all the major companies said that we want to move, we cannot wait to climate action. So please don't put too much attention to global talks. Focus on what President Xi, President Biden, Prime Minister Modi, the European Commission what they do, and focus on what the big captains of industry what they do.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 世界需要團結而非分裂
There will be for sure some environment effects of the leak. But the main problem, unfortunately, is the political one, because it's not proven what happened, but overriding impression in Europe is that this was done by Russia. So it created even more tension between Europe and Russia. And when there's wars and tension, it tend to make everything else much more difficult. That's why it's so important to immediately, urgently find a way to stop the war in Ukraine, because it makes global cooperation much more difficult.
We need to find all there is which unites us in this world, not what divides us, because all major issues, that is climate or environment, economic development, health issues of the COVID or peace, always let us focus on what brings us together.
China will never be the United States, nor will the United States adopt Chinese political system. But we can work together. We can work in parallel with different systems. But we can focus on all we need to do together on environment, economy, health, peace.
記者:張欣然沈一鳴 劉源?張釗?欒瑞英?劉夏